Saturday, 20 October 2012

Fun Facts About Toothpaste

I have to admit, I was a bit of a toothpaste enthusiast. I am a practicing dentist and professor at USC only one tooth, I toothpaste research and development for the past 20 years of my life. When I am happy, I am very health community of the conversation almost inevitably solution "natural toothpaste" on the disappointing marriage, discusses the pros and cons of fluoride.

Regular professional dental cleaning, routine health care in the home, adequate saliva, a neutral pH and low sugar output: many things needed for a healthy mouth. Instead of a "natural" toothpaste than looking for these things in mind, in order to increase the basic toothpaste should see: There are a lot of people complaining about what other products are gel fluoride toothpaste and worried nearby. Beyond advertising, I have met a lot of that is crystal gel. And various types of toothpaste to choose the best for their needs, it is more difficult for a typical consumer. For many years, toothpaste, a dull, white, cream, gel-like material juggling the demands that led to the approval of a minor child, medical experts, and chronic ice skating, athletes, attract more people to brush their teeth.
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