Tuesday, 18 September 2012

Sucking is one of the natural reflexes

The use of pacifiers can truly comfortable, but also many drawbacks. Using pacifiers too early may interfere with breastfeeding. Some infants may have difficulty nursing properly, if they are given too early pacifier. There is also a tendency to depend on the infant a pacifier. Some children may be interrupted sleep and periods of crying at night when the pacifier falls out. The use of pacifiers can also lead to inflammation of the middle ear. Although it may be a risk of otitis media is the least from birth to six months of life, it is at about the same time that the child might be really interested in the pacifier. For many parents, their biggest problem may be prolonged use of pacifiers, which can cause problems with oral health. If the teats are permanently used, it may result in that the front teeth of the bevel are or may result in misalignment of the upper and lower jaws.

Pacifiers can be very useful, especially when introduced and weaned in a timely manner. American Academy of Pediatrics also supports the use of a pacifier for the first 12 months of life. That's why parents need to exert extra effort in making sure that your child can get the benefits of using a pacifier, not being exposed to certain health risks. The best time to use a pacifier when the baby was one month. It may be time that your child has an established routine care. This can ensure that the application does not interfere with feeding teats. If your child dislike the use of pacifiers, do not force the issue. You can try to enter a different time, or you can skip using it in its entirety.

Visit Us At http://www.branamsmile.com/ to get more info on bpa free pacifiers

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